

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Character Reaction and Analysis

Click here to discuss Theodore Joadson (Morgan Freeman), Cinque, John Quincy Adams, Roger Sherman Baldwin (Matthew McConaughey), or any of the other characters from the film.


  1. I feel cinque is a very strong character. He was seen as a leader and a fighter. While going through something tramadic he never gave up on his freedom.

  2. My favorite character is Mr. Baldwin. He was one of the few whites fighting for the Africans rights. Even when his practice fell apart and he was getting death threats he continued to fight. He literally did whatever he could to win the battle and never gave up.

  3. My favorite character was John Quincy Adams. Everyone that wasn't closely associated with him had a lot of things to say about him, like that he'd only be remembered as a great mans son, or as a man who was always asleep. Then he turned around and proved himself to be a great man who knew what he was talking about, and who believed in equality of all living things. His wisdom in the trial and in all events surrounding it was astonishing.

  4. My favorite character was John Quincy Adams because he stepped up and was the voice of Cinque but what made him different than Mr. Baldwin or anyone else who fought for the Africans freedom was that people actually listened to him. He talked in such a manor that made you want to listen despite what he was saying and he refers to Cinque as his friend not just other african american. He knew what they would have to face was not going to be easy and he helped Cinque understand it as well. He voiced Cinques pain, but also his strength and because of his position in power he was able to get others to agree with him and free everyone.

  5. Although Cinque had little faith in Mr. Baldwin after the result of the first case, he was able to remain devoted to his fellow Africans as he knew they saw him as a leader. Cinque remained a strong role model throughout the film and was one of the ultimate reasons that the African's were deemed free and allowed to return to their homeland.

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  7. Cinque was one of my favorite characters from the film. He was very smart because he removed the nail from the wood. You could tell it was hard for him because he was bleeding but he never gave up. I'm glad that he was willing to share his story, even though it was difficult to, in order to gain his and his people freedom. Luckily, Mr. Baldwin was very supportive of him and believed his story. It was very funny when he kept asking the president questions until he got annoyed. Cinque was a really strong character that showed leadership skills and it was interesting to see him adapt to his new environment by learning english. Im glad that he was able to earn his freedom with the help of Mr. Baldwin. I'm just upset that his village was destroyed and his family was sold to slavery.

  8. I thought that Mr. Tappan (the abolitionist who is friends with Theodore) was a two-sided character. He is clearly an abolitionist and it can be seen with how he supports the African's and hires Mr. Baldwin to help give them their freedom. However towards the end of the movie he says to Theodore that the Africans would be more evaluable to their cause if they were killed or not given justice. This makes me think that he truly doesn't have the African's best interest at heart but is using them to help propel the abolitionist movement.

  9. Cinque was one of my favorite characters from the film. He was a very determined man that was willing to do anything he could to get his people safely back to Sierra Leone, their homeland. Even though he was at a disadvantage because he didn't understand English I think this made him stronger because he was able to express himself in his native language and the ferocity he delivered when speaking in mende made most people fear him. His leader ship skills allowed him to have a lot of authority, even in the determination of what happened to the slaves.

  10. My favorite character from the film was Cinque because of his determination throughout the whole film. From when he was in chains on the ship to when he was in chains in jail, he did not give up. Although he had numerous amount of disadvantages such as not being able to speak english, Cinque never gave up and only made her stronger. Even without knowing english, his leadership skills never failed to be present and his determination ultimately allowed them to go back to Africa.

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  12. Theodore Joadson and his interactions with Cinque struck me on a personal level. This character, I believe, exemplifies the distance the African Americans then and to this day have with their African heritage and culture. Despite being of African descent, Theodore was just as bemused by the people of Mende as his white colleagues. Though not particularly mentioned in the film, I believe his lack of ancestral knowledge exists as a result of his years being a slave. Cinque’s personality was representative of a people of whom had not yet truly felt how it was to live a life of captivity, while Theodore’s personality conveyed just the opposite.

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  15. All of the characters didn't cease to amaze me, but the one character that stood out to me the most, was Cinque. He didn't accept a role as a slave. He kept it on the down low to survive long enough on the ship in order to break free. He was very intelligent. He did everything he could to survive. He was a great leader. His people needed a leader and he took that role. He protected his people. He wanted to get them back home to Sierra Leone. He wanted to see his family again and wanted the others to see theirs again too. To be ripped away from your loved ones is one of the worst possible things that could happen to you. It was because of Cinque that the Africans didn't give up. It was because of Cinque that they didn't lose hope.

  16. Out of all the characters, the most meaningful and most powerful character in the films would be Cinque. From the moment he freed himself from the chains on the Amistad, to the last seen where he said thank you to Mr. Baldwin in English. He has always amazed me. The fact that he never gave up trying to be released and go back home is very admirable and it is what I liked about him the most. His determination demonstrates, at least towards that if you put your mind and soul into something, you can be great and achieve anything, and that is what Cinque was successful in. Although he was very modest, the rest of the Africans looked up to him, really because of his courage and bravery and determination that he has. He was a role model to his people and he is also a role model to me and probably a role model to most people.

  17. Roger Sherman Baldwin was the Africans first attorney. He is shown as a prominent lawyer that pretty much gave up everything to defend the Africans. But what bothered me about his character was the fact that he, in my mind, is known for giving up everything in order to protect the Africans BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS. During the scene where he walks around Cinques jail cell and basically complains the whole time about his lessened status in society, meanwhile Cinque is siting in handcuffs waiting to be put to death for having different skin color then someone who's white. I think this is a clear representation of many abolitionists in the time period because many were willing to talk about how terrible slavery was but very few were actually willing to sacrifice something for it. Despite this flaw in Baldwin's character I think his care for the Africans should be greatly noted. Even after he won the trial the first time and thought the madness of America's dilemma over slavery was over (I'm kinda dramatizing it) but the case was than sent to The Supreme Court for appeal he still managed to pick himself up and Cinque and search for another way to force the courts to recognize that what they're doing is wrong. For these reasons Roger Sherman Baldwin is such an important character that persevered not just for himself but to save others.

  18. The defining character in the movie was Cinque. From the opening sequence, Cinque displayed courage in fighting for his life and his freedom. Even in his story about killing the lion, Cinque displayed exceptional modesty by admitting that it was luck that took the lion's life. Cinque’s courage was recognized by other characters such as Roger Sherman Baldwin who, at the end of the courtroom scene, displayed tremendous respect when he exchanged each other's language and customs with Cinque. Ultimately Cinque and his fellow escapees win the court case and gain their freedom. However, we later learn that when Cinque returned to his home, his wife and child were gone and most likely sold into slavery. The important lesson to be learned is that while there was one small victory, there was still the overall war for freedom and safety for everyone that was still being fought.

  19. The most powerful character In the film was Cinque, throughout the whole film he showed strength and courage In fighting for himself and the other slaves.Many scenes showed his strength and courage and the most important one was when he was describing how the killed the lion, he said It was pure luck but he had the courage to stop It from killing him and his family. Cinque was a leader for the other slaves and that's what they needed, a strong leader to stand up for them. Cinque was also a very smart man and we saw that In the final scene when he thanked Mr.Baldwin In English for freeing him.

  20. To me the most impactful character in the movie was Roger Sherman Baldwin. Mr.Baldwin was the only person arguing a case for the freedom of the Africans while other parties tried to push forth why the slaves were rightfully theirs. What was the most shocking was Mr.Baldwin's resilience. After being sent constant threat mail and being ridiculed for arguing such a unfavored case he came back and won the case twice. Although Mr.Baldwin wasn't forced to fight for his life like Cinque, his ability to stand up and be the voice for others is a remarkably courageous act of bravery.
